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Buccaneers -12.5 Opening point spread: Chargers -6Opening point total: 45.5Opening moneyline: Chargers -255, Broncos +250 In Sunday’s Buccaneers-Bears game, Tom Brady vs. Justin Fields will set a new NFL record for the largest age gap between starting quarterbacks.The previous record was Tom Brady vs. Mac Jones three weeks ago.Before that it was Tom Brady vs. Justin Herbert last year. The point spread for Sunday night’s Chicago Bears-Green Bay Packers game is one of the largest that the NFL North rivalry has seen in decades. The Buccaneers are a 3.5-point favorite in the game, according to Tipico Sportsbook. Opening point spread: Bears -3Opening point total: 44.5Opening moneyline: Bears -160, Lions +140 Even with the 49ers still to play, I think they are still the pick here. The Bears are 3-4 and while quarterback Justin Fields is the future, the emphasis is apparently on the future. With star running back David Montgomery sidelined, the Bears offense is off-track and just doesn’t look like themselves. The 49ers should roll here. http://emiliomcrf108754.blogs100.com/10990860/football-tips-predictz We bring you Fantasy Football Tips, Dream 11 prediction, Dream11 football team, Top Picks, Stats, Starting XI of all football fixtures everyday with team news. The excitement will always be there for you to make fantasy football a fun experience, but winning a contest is important for one and all. We help formulate the best fantasy sports team, discuss and elaborate through our fantasy football tips and Dream11 prediction about the big games that take place on a consistent basis. Jackson passed for 316 yards against a strong Broncos secondary last week and has now thrown for at least 235 yards in all four of his games this season. He even threw for 287 yards against Detroit, despite those previously mentioned butter fingers from his wideouts.
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